• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 13


If you want to enquire more information, send us a message. Please read FAQ before your request. We will try to respond to you as fast as possible. Or you can write a email:


When will you check my uploaded materials?

Usually, moderation takes one day (24 hours), but we do not guarantee to review your materials within that time. You can find the last review date in the header (clock icon)

Downloaded file cannot be opened. What should I do?

Try to open a file using the last version of a corresponding program (you can solve 99% of all issues this way).

Viewer for Kompas (.cdw, .spw, .frw extensions) can be downloaded for free here - https://kompas.ru/kompas-3d-viewer/about/

Viewer for Autocad (.dwg, .dxf extensions) can be downloaded for free here - https://www.autodesk.com/viewers

Some projects are compressed using rar archiver (those files have .rar extension). You can unpack them online here - https://extract.me/en/

If you cannot open a file using the latest versions of the software, please use the feedback form and write us a message with a link to the material. If we are not able to open the file as well we will refund your points which you spent for downloading this material. After that, we will remove the corrupted project.

Do you have any additional files for the project (specification, documentation, another view)?

We don't have any additional materials.

Material's description or image does not fit the material's content. What should I do?

Write a feedback message with a link to this material. If we confirm that the description or image is wrong, we will refund your points and update the project.

Will it cost me 5 points to download the whole material or I need to spend 5 points for every file in a material?

It costs 5 points to download a material with all files
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